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WARD WOLFF -Region 1 Representative​


​Ward Wolff is a proud Californian and relatively recent arrival to Silver Lake. He is grateful for all who have contributed to creating this diverse and thriving neighborhood which has been home to his family since 2019 and he wants to help strengthen it for generations to come. He is an impact investing professional focused on creative industries as drivers of quality jobs, inclusive economic growth, and vibrant communities. He is also an advisor to several sustainable business groups and parks nonprofits, including the Trust for Public Land. As an At-Large Representative on the SLNC and Co-Chair of the Reservoir Committee, you can expect him to be an engaged listener, learn from our neighbors, and bring a particular focus on issues like access, equity and quality in our parks & public spaces; complete streets that are safe for bikes and pedestrians and friendly to public transit; and efforts to benefit artists, creative communities, and local businesses.

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