Submitting Motions and/or Funding Requests
Motion Form [ .doc ] (updated July 17, 2017) (for Motions and Community Improvement Projects)
Neighborhood Purposes Grant Application (Funding Request for 501(3)(c))
Creating Agendas:
Useful Information and Trainings:
This section is for board members AND the general public – anyone who is interested in how Neighborhood Councils and City Government work. If you are interested in one day running for Neighborhood Council or would like to chair a committee, these documents are a good place to start.
Advisory Committee Co-Chair Guidelines – August 22, 2018
SLNC Social Media Policy (Adopted 9/3/14; Updated 1/3/18)
SLNC Website Policy (1/3/18)
Sign In Sheet [ .pdf ] (updated June 17, 2016)
Speaker Cards [ Bilingual – English / Spanish ] (updated June 10, 2015)
Leaf Blower Flyer [ Bilingual – English / Spanish ]
Homeless Flyer [ Bilingual – English / Spanish]
Los Angeles City Services, Public Toilets and Wash Rooms, Silver Lake and Echo Park
California Tenants | A Guide to Residential Tenants’ and Landlords’ Rights and Responsibilities, Revised May 21, 2018
Email Policy:
“SLNC board members must use their assigned SLNC email address when dealing with the business of the SLNC board and/or its committees.*”
*The SLNC has a 6 month rention policy for SLNC related emails.(2014)