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SLNC Liaisons and Representatives


Aging Liaison: Nina Sorkin and Stephanie Vendig
Film Liaison: Paul Emmons and Mark Duncan
Budget Advocate Representatives: Barbara Ringuette
Alliance of River Communities (ARC) Representative: Barbara Ringuette
Hyperion Bridge Representative: Nina Sorkin
Sergeants-at-Arms: (None at this time)
Animal Services Liaison: Taryn Poole
Sustainability Alliance representatives: Sarah Ullman
Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition: TBD
Plan Check NC LA Liaison: Barbara Ringuette and Ianthe Zevos
DWP MOU Oversight and Advocacy Committee Representative: Sarah Ullman
Public Safety: Paul Emmons
Homelessness: Samantha Danner and Maebe A. Girl
Miry’s List: Tina Lin and Maebe A Girl
Silver Lake Improvement Association (SLIA): Maebe A. Girl
LGBTQIA+ Alliance: Maebe A. Girl

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